Khamis, 4 Mac 2010

happy birthday to me . HEE

Hey2 readers n fren .  salam sume nyee . HEE .,
ouh yeah . today im so so so happy laa . :)
cz i olredy seventeen laa . HEE . long time i waiting this time heh . 
sweet seventeen !~

wanna noe taa . orgg yg pertame wish . ouh . gylaa awall lahh . she's FATIN SYAZRIN ! yeah . 22feb lgy dea wish . HAHA
too early . but atleast dea wish awal2 ,

2nd is , ouh yess . my belover bestie . MD ARIFF B.ARSAD ! , wahh .
his only one who really undrsnd me .
me love you bestie !

3rd is : ehem² , HEE . yeah . tuhh . anakk amin . NUR AMIRA ! hee . dea ney . orgg yg palingg bnyk wish . 3times if im not mistake . :)) tengss bebeh . iloveyou !

4th : waa . taa ingtt . n so all lahh . HEE . sorrysorry ! terlupee babe . Ngehngeh .

n wauu . wishes yg palingg best . anakk basri lahh .  SITI ZULHA tuhh ,
tawu apee ? dea nyanyi ! HAHA . tbe2 kua sore 
"1 2 3 selamat ari jdy , jeng jeng jeng ! HAHA ." .
gyla comell .  

ouh yess . kd skuwla tdy . terharuu syiott . teacher n whole my classmate sings belated song .
wahh2 . really caerr . HEE . tengss to all . i cant say anything , just only smile . n said tengss . :(
this year , birthday yg palingg bermakne tawu . n my fone . never stop ringing starting from 1opm till laa today . HEE . ramaii ingtt . tapy wd2 lupe . :)

& he also wishes me at 3.58am , pgy b4 gy skuwla baruu rep . saje jea . just say tengss . that's all . malass naa layan . remember bout the past ! n last nite tuh . 
4ward laa msg yg ckpp if today ari luahan . apee dea mao ckpp ,
n he reply " forgive me dear" 
HAHA . its funny laa , how can i 4give u easily like this ! tanggung laa , sndr wd salahh .
padann muke !
stop dreaming laa . 

n ouh shit ! tamat jea kelass . dpnn kelass tuh juge dorgg simbah aer . waa . apee lgy , laryy laa . abess basahh laa baju skuwla . dry atss smpy bawahh . HEE , sweet moments . ngeh . 

woo ! gtg ahh . esokk adee maulidur rasul , n our class naa kene buat kaen rentangg .
n now adee kd saia . so , mao hiass apee yg ptot lahh . byep2 all .

loveyou oke ! :)