Sabtu, 19 September 2009

selamat ary raye sume ..

yea . today is last our fasting arh . so , pose laa nan baek2 ary ney sajja yah . now already 6.o1am ya . still early mornink . cant sleep . so , blogging sajja . since da terlanjur ney . i want to says , sury if i has to do smething wrong to all of u laa . no one is perfect n ruin from make a mistake . n as example . me ! halal kan sume makan n minum kuw if ad laa . maap kan sume slh n silap kuw yah . rajen2 laa dtg uma . if ta malu yah . huhu . so , i make a wish to all of u .


hug n kiss : nora fazura .
xoxo , luv arh . ;)

Jumaat, 18 September 2009

survey agy laa .

Love Survey

Do you love someone?:
yeah .

Is it a he or a she?

How long have you been in love with this person?
6 years deyh

Are you in a relationship with them?
nope laa

Have you every been just friends with this person?
yeah ! its true .

Where did you meet them?
skuwla sajja

If you could tell them one thing, what would it be?
will u be my BFF .

Has this person ever broken your heart?
sometimes .

Do you truly love this person because of their personality?
no laa .

Whats the best thing about them?
their talking a lot . [becok arh ]

Do you believe in love at first sight?

What percentage of the world would you say has someone to love?
79% . haha

Does someone love you right now?
yes .

Do you believe in being married to connect with the one you love for life?
ofcuz laa

At what age did you first fall in love?
ta ingat seyh .

Whats the best part about love?
dating ? hahah

Have you ever been cheated on?
yeah . always .

Do opposites attract?
depends .

How do you think people fall in love?
banyak berangan laa

Now tell me, what is love?
love is honest , trust . care n etc .

Surveys at

survey laa seket .

Have you ever been in love?

Whats the meaning of love to you?
loyal . honest . trust laa .

How do you show someone you love them?
care of them. always says dats I LUV U laa ! haha

If someone who you didn't love spilled their heart to you what would you do?
blur. sorry guys. i dun want .

Do you believe in sex before marriage?
50/50 .

Have you had your heart broken?
ofcuz yes.

How does it feel?
its reallin killin me.

What do you do when you have a broken heart?
crying sajja ,

Have you planned out your wedding?
not yet laa ngek .

How about your kids names?
yes. already prepair it !

Have you ever looked at someone and could see yourself marrying them?
tade mkne nye .

Do you cry a lot? BENYE ! haha

Are you truly happy right now or putting on a show?
dunnoe laa .

Who makes you happy?
my close fwenz laa . no one else .

Does love always hurt?
dunnoe laa .im never get a truly love .

Why does a rose represent love if a rose always dies?
no la.

Has a lover ever cheated on you?
maybe .

Would you ever take that person back?

Have you ever cheated on a lover?
yeah ! haha but not always ya .

How about been cheated with?
yes n always.

Do you have a best friend?

Why is this person your best friend?
the only one understand me.

Honestly and don't lie hows your heart these days?
lonely .

What do you think about abortions?
no. i hate it.

Have you ever had an abortion?

Have you ever been pregnant?
no laa senget . gilax apeh .

If so what did you do when you found out?
keep it.

How did the guy react when you told him?
dunno aw.

If not have you ever thought about it?

What if getting pregnant was the only way to keep someone around?
ahaha not me.

Is sex overrated?
no komen.

Do you masturbate?
gile ke..

Do you miss anyone right now?

Why do you miss them?
bcoz i miss them.

Do you think they miss you?

Have you ever had a summer romance?
ntah , haha

How was it?
tade perasaaan deyh .

Have you ever had a friend with benefits?
yes. ahaha

How about a one night stand?
not me.

Do you regret any of your encounters?

If you love someone would you tell them?
juz tell them i love them la~its easy ryte ?

hug n kiss . NORA FAZURA

being teacher ?

assalamualaikum ~ n hey world .!

yeah . its already 2.55am , fuckin bored . dunno wut to do laa . hish ! na story seket arh . 2 days ago . my teacher ask me to help her laa . form3 ad test tyme tuh ya . n my teacher need to have a look form5 trial . so , though i dun have any works . so i'll help her sajja . my teacher ask to look 3amanah axem yeah . n my fwenz n i . stay there . student dlm kls tuh . pehhh . harap sajja pandai2 belaka . but pangai ! adehh , degil yah . axem pon bukak buku meyh , mmg sengal meke2 ney . tpy bia laa . dorg yg kene jwp nan cekgu dorg . not me ! so , kurunk2 ney . akk ta dpt bantu uke ! hahah .

since im feel bored ney . lihat sajja laa pic yg baru ney . baru sajja snap tady pagy ya . ta cumey but bole2 laa . hahah .

she's naney . my bestie arh .

cekgu ini , mmg selalu kuw ta wd keje nya arh .

i heart them fuckin' damn much laa babe !

cekgu salbiah kuw . my history teacher ah .

yeah ! its me laa . spe agy babe . huhu . terLEBEY sudey yah .,

so , maybe smpi siny sajja arh . n byebye laa . hehe .

hug n kiss :nora fazura .

Isnin, 7 September 2009

tade tajuk bole ?

they r very kind+crazy+ n so all .
hurm > dunno laa .
keje ku. tuh laa dea . juz minum n makan laa .
n she . niesa , very friendly laa .
hehe . his name is aliff . yeh ! ramai jeles nan pic ney ? hbu ea ?

hello world ! so yeah . taraaa ... ! hasil nye uke . not to nice but uke2 laa . hahah . they r so nice person , friendly n im so happy wit them . although ta lme pown . juz by a few hours . tajuk nye adelah "let's go to party'
so , dats y laa ak pakai cmney . ngn belon2 nye lagy . pakaian yg unik . huh ! yg wane pink kd rambut kuh ituh adelah tali pinggang uke ! so unique laa . nie cici punye keje ."anak ikan mak " dea suke sebut tuh . yeah ! imy cici .! so . smpi sney sajja citerkuh . byep .

hug n kiss :

assalamualaikum .

jawab deyh . hahah ! da lame ta update yok . skunk , baru na sakap laa ea . cutey2 arituh fune ilang babe ! gare2 na gy casting laa .kd ktm bts ney . sorg2 sajja . tggu kazen meyh ,masuk sajja ktm . BLUR sudey .hahah .smpi kajang. mama sudey bebel laa .hurm > just listen . n esok nye .pegy jugek ak casting tuh . juz pegy suke2 riang sajja . ta tawuk laa dpt ,so , ney pic gy casting .

yeah , so . tade ape yg menarik ati uke kd sini . ku diterima laa . hahah .so happy tyme tuh ! ta tawuk la ku dpt ney . juz pegy pown bowsan arn . cuti skuwla ajje . bahagie kan pic2 ney . balek2 sajja uma . kebulur giler ! ta makan dr pgy smpi mlm . uhuk ., hurm > ta tawuk na sakap ape agy meyh . so , byep2 laa .

hug n kiss :