Isnin, 28 Jun 2010

selamat pengantin baru abg faizal ! :D

Assalamualaikum friends !
ouhh yeaa , lamee doe taa blogging , 2 months mybe , :DD
amat bosan tawu skrangg , + tade mood , HEE . okay lahh ,
from now and onwards , maybe i'll closed this blog , 
it's just i need my space lahh . akan bukak blog yg baruu .
so , i'll let u know soon ! no worries lahh . :)

yesterday , just back from perak , my charming cousin wedding's day meyh .
wauu ! mmg best , ruma banglo yg besarr , complete ! air con , tv . sume nyee mmg complete lahh , HAHA ,

part of the pic's , wanna more ? look at my FB , search by name Nora Mokhtar , :))
their theme is pink+white , lawaa lahh . ney baruu part1 ,
part2 will be hang on shah alam convention centre , HEE , 
this saturday at 7pm . huh , msty gempakk ! HAHA

ney jea lahh kot tok entry kali ney ,
will back if adee masee , 
and cter part2 plakk . okay babe ?
byepp , 
iloveandmissyou blogger ! 

lots of love , 
Nora[M] <3