Sabtu, 7 Ogos 2010

eee habuk !

salam and heyya ! fuhh , fuhh . eeh . ape neyy ? spiderman lh , HAHA . bbulan kn tidakk ku update ? HEE ,
malass okay , nak tanakk , kene update dluu . okay , latest ? nehh , start ney lh

ISNIN : 02ogos2010 ,

skuwla ! haa , cm biasee jea pun . BUT , otw na gy bilekk masakk . ttbe cekgu meet kami , dea kate ktorgg kene pindah kelass . O.M.G ! we wont move , hell lh . dorgg yg buatt hal , y kami yg kenee ? :( its not fair lh , 

SELASE : 03ogos2010 , 

ney lgy 1 cterr , life cm artiss , but im really not actress okay ? :D , tht day , yezz! anniversary party , im going . HAHA meetin with editor , kak anie <3 lh . so much fun there , sume artis adee , [DAFI , THE 5 , ALIF SATAR , IZ OIAM , SYILA , TUAH (SURIA FM) , O.N.E , ALIF AF8 , NAD AF8 , FARINA AF8 , MILA , IMRAN AJMAIN , and etc] , gilee gempakk lh . :) location : club d KL , wutwut , its my first time okay pgy club , before ? never ! nahhh pic's nyee ,
DAFI , OMG ! hiss hot !:D
KAK MIMI O.N.E : pehh , gilee tinggi neyy , 
KAK AYU : haaa , akak yg kuat melatahh , HAHA .
KAK SYILA : dea comell , funny tawu ?
O.N.E. : dorgg HEBATT ! tarian and combination nan dafi yg baekk , 
DAFI : comell anak datok ney , keep ask me ''handsome kan ?'' HAHA
THE 5 : tggl taura and arif sajee , bonie ? taa tawu dimane ,

alkisahh taura and me :
we seat at outside secret recipe , first time look at him , and im said
''his not taura nora ,''
when the guy look me , O.M.G !
''rilex nora ,''
when his starting to smile ,
''oh no ! please dont smile like that , ''
when he open the glasses , 
''ohh his eyes , aww aww ''

then finally , meet again kd party ! yaa . dea mmg TAURA ! omg ! hot lh weyy , 

to be continued , adee talk nan mat salleh.

RABU : 04ogos2010 ,

HAHA , gy skuwla then balekk , ntah pape lh nora hoii . :)

KHAMIS : 05 ogos2010 ,

apee yaa ? cm biasee jea lh . nothing special .

JUMAAT : 06 OGOS2010 ,

pindah pindah ! waaa , sayangg sangat , berat hati tawu na tggl kn tmpt d manee awal awal lgy kami berade , hate to those yg buat kami begini , hell lh !

SABTU : 07ogos2010 ,

bosan bosan ! duduk ruma sorgg2 , mereke pgy PD but aku d tggl kn !:( ntahh apee lh ,

tuh je lh , no mood adee entry special , pasall mat salleh tuh , HEE . next post okay ? 
byepp .
cheers ! <3