Jumaat, 18 September 2009

being teacher ?

assalamualaikum ~ n hey world .!

yeah . its already 2.55am , fuckin bored . dunno wut to do laa . hish ! na story seket arh . 2 days ago . my teacher ask me to help her laa . form3 ad test tyme tuh ya . n my teacher need to have a look form5 trial . so , though i dun have any works . so i'll help her sajja . my teacher ask to look 3amanah axem yeah . n my fwenz n i . stay there . student dlm kls tuh . pehhh . harap sajja pandai2 belaka . but pangai ! adehh , degil yah . axem pon bukak buku meyh , mmg sengal meke2 ney . tpy bia laa . dorg yg kene jwp nan cekgu dorg . not me ! so , kurunk2 ney . akk ta dpt bantu uke ! hahah .

since im feel bored ney . lihat sajja laa pic yg baru ney . baru sajja snap tady pagy ya . ta cumey but bole2 laa . hahah .

she's naney . my bestie arh .

cekgu ini , mmg selalu kuw ta wd keje nya arh .

i heart them fuckin' damn much laa babe !

cekgu salbiah kuw . my history teacher ah .

yeah ! its me laa . spe agy babe . huhu . terLEBEY sudey yah .,

so , maybe smpi siny sajja arh . n byebye laa . hehe .

hug n kiss :nora fazura .