Jumaat, 18 September 2009

survey agy laa .

Love Survey

Do you love someone?:
yeah .

Is it a he or a she?

How long have you been in love with this person?
6 years deyh

Are you in a relationship with them?
nope laa

Have you every been just friends with this person?
yeah ! its true .

Where did you meet them?
skuwla sajja

If you could tell them one thing, what would it be?
will u be my BFF .

Has this person ever broken your heart?
sometimes .

Do you truly love this person because of their personality?
no laa .

Whats the best thing about them?
their talking a lot . [becok arh ]

Do you believe in love at first sight?

What percentage of the world would you say has someone to love?
79% . haha

Does someone love you right now?
yes .

Do you believe in being married to connect with the one you love for life?
ofcuz laa

At what age did you first fall in love?
ta ingat seyh .

Whats the best part about love?
dating ? hahah

Have you ever been cheated on?
yeah . always .

Do opposites attract?
depends .

How do you think people fall in love?
banyak berangan laa

Now tell me, what is love?
love is honest , trust . care n etc .

Surveys at